5 Advertising Mediums to Help You Reach Your Audience

When it comes to advertising, there are many different types of mediums to choose from.

Advertising is the action of drawing more attention to a product, brand, service or cause using certain marketing tactics to increase awareness or sales.

Advertising can be done in numerous ways and each one has its own pros and cons.

The type you will use depends on your budget, target audience and even message that you want to convey.

In this blog post we will discuss different types of Advertising Mediums so that you know which ones are best for your business!

5 types of advertising mediums

1. TV Advertising

posters on back seats
TV Advertising

TV Advertising is a traditional, broad-reaching and familiar type of advertisement.

However, it also has its cons as TV viewers are typically passive in their role as audience members – they don’t have much control over the content they watch because often times it’s broadcast during prime time viewing hours.

In addition to that, many people now use streaming services like Netflix or Hulu instead of turning on the television which results in a major decrease in viewership for advertisements shown on those stations!

That being said there are still some benefits to advertising through this medium such as:

– Your message will be seen by thousands if not millions of people depending on how big your budget is

– You can target certain demographics based off location (i.e., age, income level etc.)

– Advertising on TV is typically expensive for businesses so you can expect to see results quickly if done correctly.

The disadvantages of televisions as a means of advertisement include:

– Advertising on TV typically costs a lot of money if you do it correctly

– Your message will only be seen by those who watch television at certain times and in specific locations.

You can target your demographic based off this but the audience must have access to a physical television set – not everyone has one anymore!

– Not all people are going to see or hear your advertisement due to these reasons so its effectiveness depends heavily upon how well done it is.

If advertised poorly, then no one will know about your product/brand/service etc. which means that no sales = wasted advertising budget!

The bottom line: Advertising through traditional mediums such as TV may feel outdated and expensive compared to digital forms of media.

2. Music Radio Advertising

Image source

Music Radio Advertising is another traditional form of advertisement that has stood the test of time. It works by playing your ad on top-rated radio stations through out specific geographic regions.

Advertising via this medium can be very effective because you are targeting an audience who likes to listen to local music and hear advertisements for businesses in their surrounding area (i.e., within a certain distance). Some benefits include:

– Again, if done well it will target people who like listening to music so they might actually enjoy hearing ads for brands/products etc. – which means that these potential customers could become actual customers!

The disadvantages however come with the fact that advertising through this media doesn’t really allow much room for creativity or flexibility as compared to digital forms of advertisement.

You are limited to the types of ads that can be played which means you might not reach all ideal customer with your message – only some!

The bottom line: Advertising through music radio stations is generally affordable and good for local businesses who want their ad heard by people within a certain distance from them (which makes sense seeing as how these advertisements will be played on air at specific times).

3. Print Advertising (newspapers, magazines etc.)

Print advertising – image source

Print Advertising is another traditional form of advertising that can be effective if done well.

This medium works by having your advertisement printed in newspapers, magazines etc. and distributed through out specific geographic regions so people can see it while they are out and about or read it at home/work etc.

a) Newspaper Advertising

The educated adore reading the newspaper. There are several bi-weekly and weekly publications in addition to daily papers.

Almost every region of the globe may be reached, and nearly everyone reads a newspaper.

As a result, newspaper may be utilized as a marketing tool with significant benefits.

An advertiser must consider the newspaper’s circulation, audience type, geographical region of readers it caters to, and cost of space while selecting one.

b) Magazine Advertising

When top-quality printing in color is required, publications or periodicals are a wonderful vehicle for promoting products.

Advertisements that appear in local newspaper publications can be targeted to a certain audience. As a result, they save money on advertising.

Some benefits of print advertising are:

– An ad being placed on a physical newspaper page/magazine spread looks much more professional than an online advertisement – which may have the potential to increase brand trust because the company appears credible when using this media!

The disadvantages however come with its flexibility as compared to digital forms of advertisements seen here today (i.e., social media).

Print ads typically allow for little room for creativity but many still think this type of advertisement looks much more professional or traditional which can lead to a boost in brand trust.

The bottom line: Advertising through print media works well for companies that want their message out there but aren’t interested in using digital forms of advertisement (i.e., websites, social media etc.). It’s also good if you’re looking for something “traditional” and flashy!

4. Outdoor Advertising

time-lapse photography of crowd of people on New York Time square during night time
Outdoor advertising – image source

Outdoor Advertising is another traditional form of advertising that can be effective if done well.

This medium works by placing your advertisement in outdoor places like billboards, street signs etc. so people driving or walking past these areas will see it!

a) Billboard Displays

Billboard Advertising works by placing your advertisements on billboards located outdoors.

Billboards are large signs that typically focus on a single product or service, have simple messages and require little text to convey the message.

This type of media is an excellent way for advertisers to target people who drive cars since these ads will be seen as they pass through different regions (i.e., while driving).

b) Poster Displays

Posters are hanging on public structures such as buildings, bridges, and other landmarks.

It is not at all unusual to find slogans and other messages about goods in large letters on the walls to draw people’s attention, especially from a distance.

That is why it’s also known as “Mural Advertising.” Mural advertising is frequently utilized to advertise consumers, fertilizers, tonics, beauty products, and other items.

c) Electrical Displays

The use of electric lights or neon tubes to attract the attention of people, particularly at night, is known as electrical display.

A short message is generally illuminated in tubes of various hues to make it noticeable and attractive.

At major traffic areas, electrical displays are installed.

(d) Vehicular Displays

These days, it’s becoming more popular to utilize modes of public transportation as a marketing tool.

The outside and interior of the vehicles, railway carriages, and other vehicles may be rented by businesses to deliver their messages.

The advantages of outdoor advertising are as follows::

1) Outdoor advertising is a low-cost, highly adaptable marketing technique.

2) Because posters, etc. may be exhibited at a variety of busy locations, they are highly useful for marketing consumer items.

3) Outdoor advertising draws attention quickly and requires minimal time and effort from the audience. Outdoor displays can give a full picture of the product.

Outdoor advertising is criticised on the following grounds:

1) It is not feasible to use it for lengthy messaging, as passers-by read posters, hoardings, and the like.

2) It has a low retention value because people do not devote significant time to read the message.

5. Internet/Online Advertising (social media, search engines and more!)

person using macbook pro on table
Online advertising – image source

Online/digital marketing, also called web ads or internet ads, is the collection of methods used to draw attention to products and services for sale.

This form of marketing has taken over in recent years because it’s so accessible and easy to use! With a few clicks here and there you can get your message out quickly across an international platform with little cost involved.

Advertising online allows businesses to connect directly with their customers around the world at any time they choose.

Internet Advertising works by placing advertisements on websites where people are looking for information about goods or services similar to yours (keywords etc.).

It’s extremely efficient since online search engines bring up results based upon keywords that people type into them when searching for specific items.

For example, if someone is looking for a place to go out and eat in your area, you could pay an advertising fee that would bring up your restaurant when they do a simple online search.

This type of media also works great with social networking platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter where people can follow/like pages and receive updates from companies on their feeds!

Advertising through these sites allow businesses instant access to free or inexpensive markets across the world wide web.

a) Search Engines

Search engines are often used by internet users who want information about something specific (e.g., “Where’s my nearest pizza shop?”).

The results of this sort of query will be lists of links arranged according to relevance – each link goes to another website with information about finding pizza in your area.

Advertising or Google ads on search engines allows you to get in front of the people who are looking for what it is that you sell!

b) Social Media

Social media advertising can be broken down into two categories – organic and paid social media advertising.

Organic social media basically means gaining followers by creating interesting, engaging posts (usually free).

While this may sound like a daunting task at first, there are several easy ways to accomplish this!

Some examples include adding hashtags (#), asking questions or sharing links to other pages with relevant updates.

The second category consists of paid advertisements which allow businesses access via Facebook’s platform (and others).

These ads will appear when users perform certain actions such as visiting specific pages or making specific searches.

c) Display Advertising

Display advertising is another form of online marketing that can help companies increase brand awareness, reach new customers and drive sales through the use of images or videos on websites.

This type of media usually consists of banner ads that are placed at strategic locations throughout a website in order to draw attention to an advertised product/service.

The advantage here is reaching people who are actually looking for what you have available!

If people don’t click your ad they won’t know about your company which means no new business…or money! All it takes is one little mouse click đŸ˜‰ .

d) Native Advertising

This relatively new term refers specifically to advertisements that appear within article rather than as separate banners or boxes.

The goal with this type of advertising is to create ads that blend in seamlessly within the webpage they are on.

It’s important for these types advertisements to appear only after the content has been viewed so as not to interfere with or distract from what people want – valuable information!

Mobile apps are also using for native ads.

e) Email Advertising

While email marketing isn’t exactly new, it does break apart into two categories; permission-based and purchased lists (email blasts). Email marketing is the example of target audiences.

If you’re using a service like Mailchimp then your emails will be automatically sent out based upon who subscribes through your website/forms.

This means that you needn’t worry about personally reaching out to each person unless necessary.

However, if you’d prefer more control over whom receives which messages then you would purchase a list instead.

These are just some of the many Advertising Mediums that can help your business reach new markets!

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